Make a Plan
Remember: God has a plan for your life! (Jer 29:11)
Making a plan for spiritual growth
Step One:
Assess your old plan (or lack of a plan)
Ask: Is it working? Are you growing?
Read the following passages:
If you aren’t growing, you have : Works (Gal 5:19-21)
If you are growing, you have: Fruit (Gal 5:22)
What are some of the works of the flesh you see in people?
What are some of the works of the flesh you see in you?
What fruit do you see in others (around the table)?
What fruit do you want them to see in you?
If your plan isn’t working and you need to talk to God
See 1 John 1:8-9
Step Two:
Set some goals for spiritual growth
Spiritual Goals are difficult because they aren’t concrete
Avoid goals like:
“I will do __________(read, pray, witness, etc) more”
This is a “works” based solution
Works = Religion
Works is trying to please God so that He will love you
We need to have a “promise” based solution
Promise = Spirituality
Spirituality based on God’s promise wants to please God because He loves you
Choose to grow in your relationship with Jesus
Step Three
Align your plan with God’s plan
Proverbs 19:21 “man has a plan, but God’s purpose wins”
His plan for you involves:
Sharing your faith (Has to do with Evangelism)
Tell your story! In your words. (Mt 28:18)
To whom can you tell your story?
Name some people in general (ie: Co-workers, neighbors)
Now be specific ________________
Sharing your gift (Has to do with Service)
Grow to maturity (Eph 4:11-12)
What are some gifts listed in the Bible
(1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Romans 12:1-8)
Sharing your life (Has to do with Fellowship)
Be like Jesus (Rom 8:28)
How has God been working in your life?
What are the things Jesus did in His earthly ministry?
How can we imitate Him and do the same?