The Morgan Church Devotional

a pastor's thoughts about...uhm...stuff

Location: Morgan, VT., United States

follower of Jesus. husband & father. friend. pastor.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Let Me Be as Glass

David begins a wonderful prayer-song with this thought--God, you know me; everything about me. my thoughts, my true intentions, my doubts, my fears, my pride, my desire to be loved and accepted...everything. not a single thing is hidden from God's sight...

and then david prays for deliverence... "don't let me follow evil ways, but lead me in your way".

God's way is very different from our way...sometimes our way isn't necessarily evil, just slightly misguided...a little off...not much, just a tiny bit. now, a tiny bit is just a tiny bit in the immediate don't even notice it. it is almost nothing...

but (picture an angle) the further away you get from vertex (i had to look it up) the greater the distance between the "ways". this is why humility is one of the most important virtues for the christian. we are apt to go our own way...God help us.

"prone to wander, Lord i feel it; prone to leave the God i love.
here's my heart, O take and seal it; seal it for Thy courts above."


Blogger ctf said...

this is along the same lines of what I was praying yesterday on my roof. be a reflection of Christ and also to grow in my desire to know Him more.s

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that vertex is a very small place to be. 'Every second of every day I have to keep reminding myself where my focus needs to be or the drifting takes over. Thank you God that you have brought amazing people and situations into my life to help me remember who I serve.


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