The Morgan Church Devotional

a pastor's thoughts about...uhm...stuff

Location: Morgan, VT., United States

follower of Jesus. husband & father. friend. pastor.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Dust, Rust and Trust

this week's readings kinda went like this:

a request that God remind us just how short life is.
since we are just passing thru, God remind us how we should live.
we are aliens here on earth, our citizenship is in heaven; and we await our Saviour.
since God will judge us by our deeds, we should live accordingly.
sin fights against our very souls. avoid it.
we should use the things of this life for God's glory.
when we get too attached to them we become unfaithful to God.

we know some of this by experience. no one can deny life is short and it seems to get shorter every day. in fact, if i continue talking about it, i'll just sound cliche, that's how short it is.

as the bible says, we are but dust. *cue cheesy song* ("dust in the wind)

in contrast, eternity is different. we often think of it in terms of "longer" the song says, "when we've been there 10,000 years..."; but, mainly it's different. it is our true reality. it is the giant NOW. it is, truly, God's Presence.

it's more than just waiting for a page to load when you have dial up.
it's more than being stuck in traffic.
it's more than waiting for dinner to cook.
it's more than Christmas morning.
it's more than waiting for...anything.

it is fulfillment.
it is.
it is.

but, our reality isn't quite our reality yet. our reality is made up of hard choices, easy choices we make hard, easy choices we ignore and then, more hard choices.

exciting, huh?

well, that's why we need a reminder or two of life's brevity. we need to refocus and live our lives with our heavenly goal in mind. we need to curtail our own desire to get derailed and resist the enemy's schemes set to derail us. whether its out and out sin...or the mere ease of is rust sent to destroy us...*cue cheesy song* (rust never sleeps)

bc our reality is worth it. *cue cheesy song* (Trust)


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