The Morgan Church Devotional

a pastor's thoughts about...uhm...stuff

Location: Morgan, VT., United States

follower of Jesus. husband & father. friend. pastor.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Prayer

Our gracious and Almighty God, we are grateful for this opportunity to pray. We are thankful You are a God who listens and we are thankful You are a God who answers prayer.

So we come to You now, being reminded of how we should live and where our thoughts should be, but knowing how often we fall short of it.

We are thankful for Your offer of forgiveness thru Christ our Lord and we ask for the aid of Your Spirit to live our lives in a way that pleases You.

Loving You above all things and then loving each other in a way that brings You glory and honor.

Help us then, to put away the protective coverings of our attitudes and our arrogance; and instead, put on the cloak of love.

Help us to leave our petty disagreements behind and put our hands forward in grace and friendship.

Help us to live our lives free of resentment and fear; but rather, full of respect and care.

We recognize there is war in our world and we pray for those in harm’s way. We look forward to the day when war will be no more and hope it will be soon.

Until then, help us to be peacemakers…who make peace with the peace we have from knowing You, and following You, and loving You and most importantly, being loved by You.


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